Call center script examples and best practices

There is a reason they call it ‘the art of conversation’.

While most people would like to believe they can have a discussion without much effort, those same people have surely experienced the positive vibes that come when walking away from a truly great interaction. From feeling respected and fully engaged to being given the chance to share one’s concerns, there are various characteristics that make up a quality conversation. They do not happen by chance.

Call center script examples and best practices

So it is for call center encounters. When a customer reaches out to a business, they do so hoping for a meaningful interaction. They want accurate and consistent information. They yearn for a prompt and hassle-free resolution. They want to feel engaged and leave the conversation feeling better than when they entered it. In their ongoing pursuit of customer experience excellence, the businesses taking the calls should be aiming for the same targets.

Of course, not every call center agent lives up to customer expectations. Be it a lack of product knowledge, an inability to understand the subtleties of conversation or a failure to appreciate the importance of quality engagement, too many call center interactions result in poor experiences for customers and, in turn, brand damage for the organizations they have called.

There is a solution though and it involves arming call center agents with a tool designed to guide them through various encounters and help identify solutions that will leave customers smiling rather than grimacing.

The tool? Call center scripts.

What is a call center script?

Call center scripts are written prompts used by agents to help them communicate with customers across support channels and scenarios. Designed as ready-to-use templates, they can be used for phone, email and social media conversations and ultimately aim to ensure customer issues or questions are acknowledged, addressed and resolved as quickly as possible.

Along with reducing common errors, positive scripting in customer service allows agents to feel more confident in interactions, navigate different situations more seamlessly and deliver a better customer experience. They are also an excellent training resource for new team members.

What are the benefits of call center scripts?

When you consider the advantages of utilizing call center templates, it is little wonder they are considered such a valuable resource. They include:

  • Ensure consistent communication: in an environment where every conversation is ‘unique’ in its own way, call center scripts ensure customer interactions share a common theme or approach and align with brand values.
  • Enable a prompt response: instead of debating how to respond to certain situations, agents are able to tap into suggested answers that can keep conversations on track.
  • Help to boost staff motivation: confident staff are motivated staff and call center scripts help create them. Providing agents with guidelines and advice on how to respond to different scenarios gives them the confidence to deal with even the most difficult of conversations.
  • A value training resource: customer support is too important to be left to chance and call center scripts lessen the risk of rookie agents saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. Scripts and frameworks are excellent tools for newcomers wanting to shine from day one.

What is the difference between scripting and frameworks?

While call center scripts are just that – scripts that include specific lines agents can use as prompts – frameworks are a general guide for facilitating quality conversations. They feature step-by-step advice for navigating interactions, from initial connection to identifying needs and presenting solutions before the final wrap-up. An example can be found here and features tips such as:

  1. Connect with a genuine welcome: ensure to create a positive first impression that makes the customer know they’re valued and is speaking with an expert who is able and willing to help.
  2. Ask questions and discover: demonstrate curiosity by asking questions and listening, and show that we’re genuinely interested.
  3. Wrap up with a friendly farewell: conclude the conversation by ensuring the customer feels valued and acknowledged.

Call center script ideas

It goes without saying that call center teams that use scripts enjoy better customer service call flow and are better prepared to manage interactions faster and more effectively than those that operate off the cuff. While every conversation is unique, there are many familiar and recurring scenarios and situations where agents can benefit from being able to turn to a script for guidance.

Example call center script for greetings

  • "Thank you for calling [Company Name]. My name is [Agent Name]. How may I assist you today?"
  • "Hello, and thank you for calling [Company Name] Technical Support. My name is [Agent Name]. Can you please provide your customer ID or account number to get started?"
  • "Thank you for contacting the Billing Department at [Company Name]. This is [Agent Name]. May I have your account number to assist you better?"
  • "Hello, you’ve reached [Company Name]. My name is [Agent Name]. I’m here to help resolve any issues you may have. How can I assist you today?"
  • Hi [Customer Name], this is [Agent Name] from [Company Name] following up on your recent inquiry. How are you today, and is there anything else we can assist you with?"
  • "Hello, this is [Agent Name] from [Company Name]. Am I speaking with [Customer Name]? I’m calling to follow up on [specific reason for the call]."
  • "Hello, and welcome to [Company Name]. My name is [Agent Name], and I’m here to help you get started. Do you have any questions or need assistance with anything today?"

Example call center scripts for dealing with negative comments

  • "I’m really sorry to hear that you’re having this issue. I understand how frustrating this must be. Let’s see what we can do to resolve this for you right away."
  • "Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I’m sorry you’ve had this experience. Could you please provide me with more details so we can find a solution together?"
  • "I apologize for any inconvenience you’ve encountered. Your satisfaction is important to us. Let’s work together to address this issue and find the best possible solution."
  • "I understand your concern and I’m truly sorry for the trouble you’ve faced. Let me take care of this for you and ensure it doesn’t happen again in the future."

Example call center scripts for greeting repeat customers

  • "Welcome back to [Company Name]! It’s great to hear from you again. This is [Agent Name]. How can I assist you today?"
  • Hi [Customer Name], it’s wonderful to have you back with us at [Company Name]. This is [Agent Name]. How can I help you today?"
  • "Hello [Customer Name], thank you for calling [Company Name] again. We appreciate your loyalty. This is [Agent Name]. What can I do for you today?"
  • "Hi [Customer Name], it’s always a pleasure to speak with you. Welcome back to [Company Name]! This is [Agent Name]. How can I assist you today?"

Example call center scripts for transferring a call

  • "I’m going to transfer you to [Department/Colleague’s Name] who can better assist you with this issue. Please hold for a moment."
  • "Let me transfer you to our [specific department/Colleague’s Name], who specializes in this area and will be able to assist you more effectively. Please hold on while I connect you."
  • "I understand your concern. I’m going to transfer you to [Department/Colleague’s Name], who will be able to help you further. Before I do that, is there anything specific you’d like me to mention to them?"
  • "To make sure you get the best possible assistance, I’m going to transfer you to [Department/Colleague’s Name]. They’re the best person to help you with this. I’ll stay on the line until you’re connected. Please hold on for a moment."
  • "I’ll transfer you to [Department/Colleague’s Name], who can assist you further. This may take a moment. Would it be alright if I place you on a brief hold while I connect your call?"

Example call center scripts for closing off a call

  • "I’m glad we could resolve that issue for you today. Is there anything else I can assist you with?"
  • To summarize, we’ve [recap the resolution]. If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Thank you for calling [Company Name], and have a great day!"
  • "I’m happy we were able to address your concern. If there’s anything else you need help with in the future, please feel free to call us. Thank you for choosing [Company Name]!"
  • "I’m happy we were able to address your concern. If there’s anything else you need help with in the future, please feel free to call us. Thank you for choosing [Company Name]!"

Example call center scripts for saying ‘no’

  • I understand your request, but unfortunately, we aren’t able to accommodate that at this time due to [reason]. However, we can [alternative solution]. Would that work for you?"
  • I’m sorry, but we can’t do that. I can understand how disappointing this might be. Instead, we can [alternative solution]. Does that sound acceptable?"
  • "I’m afraid we can’t fulfill that request because [reason]. However, I can help you with [alternative solution]. How does that sound?"
  • "I’m sorry, but our policy doesn’t allow us to do that. However, we can [alternative solution]. Let me know if you’d like to explore that option."
  • "I understand why you’re asking, but we can’t do that due to [reason]. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause."

Whether training new recruits or boosting the communication skills of existing staff, call center scripts are a fast track to better agents and more satisfied customers. As the saying goes, prior preparation prevents poor performance and there is no better way to be prepared for quality conversations than laying a foundation before they occur.